Few Words About Us
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”

We believe that loving God is by loving each other. God has graciously and lovingly knitted NGF as one family to gather, to worship and to enjoy the fellowship of believers in this land of Qatar. It gives me great joy when I look back at the wondrous and marvelous ways in which the Lord has led NGF. I’m constantly reminded by the vision that the Lord gave in the year 1999 and called me in the year 2000 after confirming with a promise as per Zechariah chapter 3.
HE has built New Grace Fellowship as a full Gospel, Spirit filled, anointed, non-denominational evangelical fellowship together in the love of GOD.God has a plan for each one of us, so come join and be a part of NGF and let us together take the journey toward the eternal Canaan by being a support to each other. And, together as the body of Christ let us prepare ourselves and look forward for His soon coming.
We trust that great days are still ahead! Thus, we welcome you to join us during our Friday services or contact us for further assistance.
– Ps.Arunkumar